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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Mood swings

You take out your anger on those people you’re closest to, and this eventually rebounds on you. Improve your attitude instead of blaming others for your continual mood swings that frequently cause needless upsets in your relationships. Don’t do too much, set aside some quiet time and examine your feelings to restore your emotional well-being.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Friends and family

You’re a real social butterfly but have perhaps neglected one or two relationships recently; you need to reconnect with these people and get in touch. The chances of resolving a dispute among family or friends for once and for all are high. You experience a remarkable period of agreement and unity that has a moderating effect on any future developments.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Family differences

Your family life is a little more stressful than usual and your frame of mind aggravates the situation. It's not a good time to make a positive impression on people. Nevertheless remaining patient, you get through this phase. Look after your well-being, keep up recreational activities or regular exercise, a good dietary regime helps maintain a healthy outlook.